Thursday, November 14, 2019

Can you fix your Slipped (Herniated) Disc Permanently?

Can you fix your slipped (Herniated) Disc Permanently?

What is Slipped Disc or Herniated Disc?

Rupturing of the tissue that separates the vertebral bones of the spinal column.
The center of the disc, which is called the nucleus, is soft, springy and receives the shock of standing, walking, running, weight lift etc. The outer ring of the disc which is called the annuls (Latin for Ring) provides structure and strength to the disc. The annuls consists of a complex series of interwoven layers of fibrous tissue that hold the nucleus in place.

The nuclear tissue located in the center of the disc can be placed under so much pressure that it can cause the annuls to rupture. When a disc herniated or ruptures, it may create pressure against one or more of the spinal nerves which can cause pain, or numbness in the area of the body served by those nerves.

What are the symptoms of a slipped disc?

You have a pain in most commonly on side of the body and you can have slipped disc in any part of your spine from your neck to your lower back. The lower back is one of the common areas for slipped disc. When your disc hitting your nerves can pin into your one side of the body.  

Can you fix your slipped (Herniated) Disc Permanently?

Yes, definitely it will recover but depending upon injury and age. If your age is growing face your body can recover very fast but if you are in 30-50 age your recovery process will be slow but it will recover  for sure.

The only thing I can say is try some of the exercises above and see if they help you. They help you a lot of people reduce pain from bulging and herniated discs. But as always the root cause is posture. Make sure you do the right exercises to improve posture. I don’t know your situation specifically but most people need stronger core and butt muscles.
It’s hard to tell sometimes. I recommend you see a good physical therapist or chiropractor to diagnose this.

Firstly, you’d want to work on improving your herniated disc by doing exercises that ease your pain, and then exercises to improve to improve herniated disc over time and get rid of symptoms (But we don’t know you specific condition and cannot give medical advice). Email me( Secondly, once you’re out of pain, you can test different exercises for arms, etc. If you find a position that doesn’t cause pain, then you may be able to do some exercises in that position.

I’m assuming your herniated disc is in the back, if yes, you want to avoid any kind of flexion/bending forward. The key is to find what positions/postures cause you pain and avoid putting yourself in those positions.

I like the Cat-Cow or Cat- Camel exercise because it decompresses spine in a safe position and does both extension and flexion, so it’s a good overall stretch.

 Slipped Disc Exercises and Stretches for healing.

Up to 80% of individuals will suffer from a back pain during their lifetime and disc herniated is frequently the underlying cause.
How long does the pain last?
As most people with a lumbar disc herniated will improve gradually over a period of days to weeks, with most people being symptom free within 3 to 4 months but It’s depend upon you age also.
What are the exercises for relief pain from your herniated disc?

 Half Cobra Pose (Prone Lumbar Extension)

The Half Cobra Stretch help to push the disc material back towards the center of the inter-vertebral disc to allow for improved healing. 

The goal of repeated lower back extension is the “centralization of symptoms”, which basically means pain that travels down the affected leg to the foot should come back up closer to the low back – Which will in turn alleviate the pain.

Full Cobra Pose (Advanced Extension)

This stretch is based on the same principle as the half Cobra pose above. This advanced extension helps to push disc material back towards the center of the inter-vertebral disc, with the goal of alleviating pain symptoms.

Cat-Cow or Cat-Camel

This is one of the most popular herniated disc exercises. By combining two yoga poses, the cat-cow stretch can help to relieve pressure on the herniated disc by opening inter vertebral disc space. It also improves mobility of the spine, which may help to relieve disc herniated pain and speed recovery.

The Bridges

Glut bridges are a safe and effective lower body exercise to strengthen the hamstrings and gluts. These muscles are important for sacra stabilization, which is important in limiting lower back pain.
Laying flat on your back with knees bent and heels on the grounds, you want to place your feet about shoulder width apart. Lift your hips off of the ground until your shoulders, hip, and knees are in a straight line. Make sure to squeeze your gluts at the top of the movement.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Best Healthy Sources of Protein Present in Food.

Best Healthy Sources of Protein Present in Food.
Eating foods high in protein has many benefits, adding high protein foods in your diet, including weight loss and increased muscle building. However, some people may find healthy protein sources to be too costly. While some sources of protein are expensive, there are also many affordable alternatives. And also eating balanced diet is an essential part of staying healthy.
There are some of the best “Sources of Protein” foods that a person can consume to help them lose weight and gain more muscle.
While some sources of protein are expensive, there are also many affordable alternatives. And also eating a balanced diet is an essential part of staying healthy.
There are some of the best “Sources of Protein” foods that a person can consume to help them lose weight and gain more muscle.
Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are more protein. Eggs are a very healthy source of protein it also includes all the nine essential amino acids. Whole eggs are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet.  Also they are full of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.
Protein Contain in a whole egg
Calories Contain in a whole egg
6-8 grams of Protein
85-96 Calories

Chicken Breast
Chicken Breast is one of the major forms of “White Protein Food” (White Protein means which are almost 99.9% fat free Protein)” which are frequently in our diet. Also the Chicken Breast is one of the most popular high protein sources present in whole chicken. If you eat it without the skin, the majority of calories in it sources from protein. So, Chicken Breast is best choice for protein sources. The nutritional profile of chicken varies with different forms.


Protein Contain in a 200g Chicken Breast (After Cooked)
Calories Contain in a 200g Chicken Breast
40-50 grams of Protein
200-250 Calories

Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is a low-calorie dairy product that is high in protein and also tends to be very low in fat. It is loaded with calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and various other nutrients.
The high protein content of cottage cheese makes it an excellent choice for athletes and people looking to build muscle mass and shown that high protein foods like cottage cheese help keep you feeling full, which may help you lose weight.


Protein Contain in a 200-250g Cottage Cheese
Calories Contain in a 200-250g Cottage Cheese
20-30 grams of Protein
200-300 Calories

Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt, also called “strained yogurt”, is very thick type of yogurt and is high in many nutrients. It’s very low in fat just makes sure to choose one without added sugar. Full-fat Greek Yogurt is also very high in protein, but contains more calories. Non-fat Greek yogurt has almost 48% protein.  170 gram container has 17 grams of protein, with only 100 calories.


Protein Contain in a 100g Greek Yogurt
Calories Contain in a 100g Greek Yogurt
15-20 grams of Protein
170-200 Calories

Tuna is a very popular type of fish. Tuna is very high in protein and various nutrients and contains a decent amount of “omega-3 fatty acids”  (EPA and DHA are found in seafood, such as fatty).
Omega-3 fatty acids are present in foods and dietary supplements. They help keep the membranes that surround all cells in the body working well.


Protein Contain in a 200-250g Tuna
Calories Contain in a Tuna
30-40 grams of Protein
250- 300 Calories

Fish (All types)

Fish are one of the richest non vegetarian sources of proteins available. The lower amount of calories and absence of any crabs makes them ideal for people who looking for high protein low crab diet.
Fish also contain high amount of Omega-3 fatty acid which is crucial for optimal functioning of brain and body. The nutritional profile of fish can vary depending upon the type of fish.
Fish is incredibly healthy, for various reasons.
It is loaded with various important nutrients, and tends to be very high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Highly variable, Salmon is 46% protein, with 15-20 grams in 80-100 gram serving, with 150-200 calories.


Protein Contain in a 200g Fish
Calories Contain in a Fish
20 grams of Protein
200-250 Calories

Peanuts or Peanuts Butter

Peanuts are incredibly delicious. They are high in protein, fiber, magnesium and many studies show that they can help you lose weight.

And Peanut butter is also high in protein, just make sure not to eat too much as it is quite heavy.
It’s almost 100g gives 20-25 g protein and 200-250 calories.

Brussels sprouts

The Brussels sprout is another high protein source, in vegetable that related to broccoli which is very healthy vegetable, loaded with full of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, fiber and potassium.
It is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, and is very high in fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients.


Protein Contain in a 200g Sprouts
Calories Contain in a 200g Sprouts
5-8 grams of Protein
100-180 Calories


Broccoli is an incredibly healthy vegetable, loaded with vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and potassium.

Broccoli is also high in various bioactive nutrients believed to help protect against cancer.
Calorie for calorie, it is very high in protein compared to most vegetables which contain 20% of calories in 100 grams of chopped broccoli.

Black beans
Black beans are best source of protein. Black beans can be prepared in a variety of ways, making them a very versatile ingredient when preparing meals. And this is most convenient and affordable forms of plant-based protein that you can buy. (120 – 200 grams) of cooked black beans also contains over 15 -20 grams of protein.
On containing a good amount of protein, black beans are an excellent source of fiber and are excellent for weight loss.


Protein Contain in a 200g Black Beans
Calories Contain in a 200g Black Beans
15-20 grams of Protein
200-250 Calories

Whey Protein Supplements

Whey is a type of high quality protein from dairy foods, shown to be very effective at building muscle mass, and may help with weight loss. Whey protein is made from the liquid portion of milk leftover from cheese making.
Sometime you unable to cook, a whey protein supplement can come in handy. And it’s very fast digestion cause it’s a powder form so after workout you can consume direct this whey protein.
Whey protein powder can be added to smoothies, baked goods and other recipes for an extra dose of protein.
Protein Profile: The Whey which gives you 25-30 grams of protein per serving. And make sure avoid sugar. (If you want pure protein profile make sure that how the ingredients added into your whey protein) So, it can help to choose a better whey protein.

Right way to consume protein?

Quality is just as important as Quantity. So, if you’re at a healthy weight, don’t lift weights and don’t exercise much, then aiming for 40 – 50 gram per day (average person weight 60 – 70 KG) is a reasonable estimate. But if you’re lift weights and exercise, then aiming for (50*2=100 G) is estimate.

This amounts to:
  • 50 – 100 grams per day for the average male.
  • 40 – 80 grams per day for the average female.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Weight Gain Diet Plan - Basic Diet (Also for Vegetarian)

Weight Gain Diet Plan.

If you are in weight gain program you need to eat more than 2000 Calories in a day.

-Avoid Sugars (The most important part is to cut on sugars).

 Morning (after wake up) 06:00AM or Anytime

One glass of water and “APPLE CIDER VINEGAR” this will helps you to reduce your body fat percentage, make you lose belly fat and decrease your blood triglycerides.

Meal 1 (07:00 AM)

-Daliya 90- 100G + Milk 100ml + Banana 2 + Peanut Butter 1TS. (650 Cal – 700 Cal)
-6 Whole Egg’s (Boil) (576 Cal)

Meal 2 (SNACK) (09:00 AM)

-Sweet Potatoes  1 Serving (150Cal - 200Cal)

Meal 3 (12:30 PM)

-Chapatti 3 -  4 (with Ghee)  (240Cal + 140Cal= 380Cal)
-(Add any curry)
-Dal 100G (Any Dal) (250 Cal)
-Yogurt 100G (300Cal – 350Cal)

Meal 4 (SNACK) (03:00 PM)

-Oats 50G + Banana 2 (350 Cal – 400 Cal)

Meal 5 (08:00 PM)

-Salad 100G (100 Cal)
-White Rice 100G (129 Cal)
-Dal 100G (250 Cal)
-(Add any curry)
-Milk 100ml – 200ml (230 Cal)

The Best Calories Intake Table

Meal  1
Meal  2
Meal  3
Meal  4
Meal  5
Total Calories Intakes
650-700 Calories
150 – 200 Calories
900 – 1000 Calories
350 – 400 Calories
750 – 800 Calories
2800 – 3000 Calories in a day.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Best Weight Loss Diet - (1300 Calories Plan)

Weight loss diet plan.

If you are in weight loss program you need to eat less than 1600 calories in a day.

-Avoid Sugars (The most important part is to cut on sugars).

Morning  (after wake up) 06:00 AM or Anytime

One glass of water and “APPLE CIDER VINEGAR” this will helps you to reduce your weight
and body fat percentage, make you lose belly fat and decrease your blood triglycerides.

Meal  1 (08:00 AM)

-Plane Oats 50g + Milk 100ml + (for sweet add only 1 Banana) + Peanut Butter one Scope.  (346 Cal)
-4 Eggs White (Boil)  (384 Cal)

Meal 2 (SNACK) (10:00AM)

Suppose you are 50 KG you need (50KG * 1= 50G) 

-Greek yogurt. (190 Cal)
-Almond 10 – 15 only for good fats.

Meal 3 (01:00 PM)

Suppose you  are 50 KG you need (E.g.: 50KG * 2= 100G) Protein
-Chicken Breast (Because it’s fat free) (100 Cal)
-White Rice 50 G or wheat 1-2 medium size. (64 Cal)
-Green Vegetables (Cucumber , Peas, Broccoli)  50*2=100G  (100 Cal)

Meal 4 (SNACK) (04:00 PM)

Fruits (50KG*1= 50G)

-Apple (Suggestion)  (50 Cal)

Meal 5 (08:00 PM to 09:00 PM)

-Chicken Breast (For Protein) (E.g.: 50KG * 2= 100G) (100 Cal)
-White Rice (E.g.: 50KG * 2= 100G) (129 Cal)
-Any Dal (E.g.: 50KG * 1= 50G) (125 Cal)
-Green Vegetables (For Fibers) (E.g.: 50KG * 3= 150G) (150 Cal)

The Best Calories Intake Table.

Meal  1
Meal  2
Meal  3
Meal  4
Meal  5
Total Calories a day.
346/384 Calories
190 Calories
264 Calories
50 Calories
504 Calories
1354 Calories.


Can you fix your Slipped (Herniated) Disc Permanently?

Can you fix your slipped (Herniated) Disc Permanently? What is Slipped Disc or Herniated Disc? Rupturing of the tissue that separat...